Screening (Wide Format) Data Dictionary

The spreadsheet output from a wide format screening data export will contain the screening decisions against the inclusion/exclusion criteria specific to the project, as input by the team conducting the systematic review.

In wide format each row corresponds to a single study and contains the screening decisions of all reviewers.

Data Export Example

Screening export example (wide format)

Column Headings

Bibliographic Data Columns

If the Show bibliographic data option is selected in the SyRF interface then Bibliographic Data Columns are included in the export.

The StudyId, DateTimeStudyAdded, SystematicSearchId and SystematicSearchName columns will always be included regardless.

Investigator Info Columns

Investigator information columns will be included depending on which option is selected for the “Choose level of blinding” setting. Click here for more details.

  • DateTimeOfScreenings

    When the study was screened by the reviewers in SyRF. Multiple screening dates will be separated with the “;” character. In the ISO 8601 format, e.g. “2019-02-26 14:53:58;2019-03-14 16:43:24”


  • ScreeningDecisions

    Did the investigators include or exclude the study? Multiple screening decisions will be separated with the “;” character.


  • ScreeningStatus

    Was the study ultimately included or excluded or has it not yet been sufficiently screened?
